When you communicate from 
your own Golden Essence,
you invite others to do the same.

You are ready for Gold Standard Relations...
with Yourself,
with your Partner,
with your Colleagues,
with your Customers,
and everyone else in your life

Within every individual lies a beautiful treasure of shining Gold waiting to be revealed.

And you are ready to meet that gold in your partner, your colleagues, your customers - and even in your dates, friends and family!

You are ready to know how to always feel deeply connected, close to, and lit up by the beautiful people in your lifeโ€ฆ

You are so ready to be seen, heard and supported - and truly accepted for who you really are!

Hi, Iโ€™m Joana,

Iโ€™m an Embodiment and Communications Coach, and I help you to Communicate to Create the Best Results at Home and at Work.

I believe that there is an opportunity for growth and connection in every conversation, from the most mundane to the most challenging and vulnerable ones! And that with the right tools and wisdom, you have the power and choice to bring out the golden essence in anyone you interact with, enriching your connections, relationships and work dynamics!

With over ten years of experience in personal coaching and facilitation, I bring you the tools and skills to better express yourself, while you learn transformational embodiment practices to take you from impasse to empowerment in all your relationships.

I am originally from Lisbon, Portugal, and am currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark, where you can find me for my in-person workshops.

My mission? To leave everyone feeling better than when I found them.

With Love, Joana

For Companies & Leaders

You find yourself in a corporate environment characterized by competition rather than collaboration, where there is low talent retention, and where individuals leave work feeling depleted rather than fulfilled...

You and your company are committed to cultivating a collaborative work environment that inspires talent development and well-being, where leadership brings out the best in each individual, fosters high quality teamwork, and navigates professional & relational challenges with excelence.

Now, you seek ways to foster Psychological Safety, even in the face of daunting obstacles, and pressuring times.

Together you want toโ€ฆ

  • Eradicate all sources of negativity, ensure that every voice is heard, and that each contribution is seen, validated, and appreciated within your teams dynamic.

  • Master the art of active listening, harnessing each team member's unique strengths to fortify your collective prowess and foster synergy.

  • Forge new depths of trust among employees, honing impeccable communication skills in moments of triumph, so you can readily restore team morale in times of adversity.

For Individuals

You want to feel confident, and totally seen and heard in all your relationships and daily interactionsโ€ฆ

You are ready take full responsibility for your life and relationships, and are willing to go into an inner-exploration with the curiosity of finding out what is it that you can always have control on in your life.

This time, you want want to get lasting results and tools that really work.

You want toโ€ฆ

  • Feel clear on your ideal partnership so you are only available for an exact match, being in business or in love

  • Know what you bring to the table to your work and relationships, so you can feel confident in your unique value

  • Trust yourself implicitly, and in your decision-making - no more repeating old patterns of following roads that lead to nowhere!

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